Our projects

Convivial Planet is an association involved in research and action projects for the rapid and convivial transition to a more sustainable world.

By becoming a member of Convivial Planet, you can not only stay informed but also take part in this research and action.

Maths and Society seminar

At these meetings in Nice (22 and 23 February 2024) and Brussels (end of June 2024), we will be discussing the different ways in which mathematics is used in transition management, in research in general and in the field of impact and social intervention.

Convivial Planet

Convivial Planet is an association involved in research and action projects for the rapid and convivial transition to a more sustainable world. By becoming a member of Convivial Planet, you can not only stay informed but also take part in this research and action.

To take part, click here.


Living together

The “living together” project emerged during the Covid crisis and aims to give local players – citizens as well as experts and managers of living spaces, for example – the opportunity to raise awareness of the realities observed in order to
to facilitate appropriate and effective crisis management, while respecting the rights, skills and opinions of all concerned.

For more information, visit www.habiterensemble.be


The Euro-bonus project aims to study the feasibility of a non-convertible complementary currency that would not be a debt currency but a currency based on the principle of a basic income.

More information at www.euro-bonus.com