Quantitative approaches are many and varied, widely used in some scientific fields and much less so in others. Debates often focus more on objectives than on the means of achieving them. It is these means of analysis, research and action that we want to examine here from a historical, dynamic and forward-looking perspective. Mathematics can be used to model the impact of different types of intervention. For example, the World Bank uses a mathematical model to assess the impact of various poverty reduction programmes, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) uses a mathematical model to monitor countries’ progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our aim is to put different models on the table and encourage new forms of interaction between these existing or yet-to-be-created models and all those involved in society.


How can researchers, social players, citizens and businesses work together, taking into account the points of view and interests of all concerned, including future generations? One model for developing impact projects is based on the principle of “participatory action research”. We want to offer an incubation space for these projects by facilitating ‘matching’ between partners from different backgrounds.

We also propose sharing experiences and tools with players at different levels with experience of action research.


Thursday 27 June 2024: understanding models to be able to evolve Friday 28 June 2024: tools to be shared for action research Decentralised work through thematic workshops and pooling of results.


Didier Baudewijns, Antoine Bodin, Sandra Bohmann, Noémi Bontridder, Evo Busseniers, Frank Deconinck, Nahla Dhib, Francine and Marc Diener, Giovana D’Inverno, Olivier Martin, Anna Mergoni, Zdena Middernacht, Ides Nicaise, Majid Sameti, Julien Scheepers, Goéric Timmermans, Natacha Zuinen, … 



  • Goéric Timmermans – Convivial Planet Brussels – gt@convivialplanet.com
  • Dr. Evo Busseniers – Evo.Busseniers@vub.be
  • Dr. Nahla Dhib – HETIS Nice – Nahla.DHIB@univ-cotedazur.fr